Build powerful web applications with Django

Streamline development and enhance security with Django, the robust Python-based web framework. Embrace full control, scalability, and seamless integration capabilities.

How we created value with Django?

Django is a robust open-source web framework written in Python. Being as advertised “the framework for perfectionists with deadlines”, it allows for streamlined and efficient application development. Its built-in security and extensibility features ensure your business stays safe and adaptable as it grows.

With Django your project gets out of the box support for common web application needs, such as user accounts, permission management, and data management in the admin interface.

Django web applications can easily be connected to other services via APIs. We successfully used this approach with services like Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Salesforce, Slack, Solr, Google Maps, Google Jobs and Single Sign-On providers.

The framework has proven itself over and over again for soon to be 20 years. Even we at djangsters have a Django project that has 12 years under the belt and it is going strong.

Voice of the customer

Wir arbeiten mit dem Team von djangsters schon seit vielen Jahren sehr eng zusammen und schätzen die kompetente, freundliche und detailreiche Beratung, die umfassende technischen Kenntnisse in Python, Django, Solr & ReactJS sowie die Art und Weise wie auch komplexe Projekte von Beginn bis Ende strukturiert durchgeplant und On-Time entwickelt werden.

Konstantin Janusch ­- Geschäftsführer Yourfirm

Benefits of Django

Full flexibility due to Open-Source

Full control over the data

Pen-test approved security

Powerful admin interface

Permissions and user groups

Full-service Python and Django Agency

Djangsters has a well-rounded team based in Cologne, specializing in software development with Django and Python. We handle everything from backend and frontend development to project management and ongoing support. We’ve built some great web projects, including one of Germany’s biggest job portals. Whatever your industry or business size, we’re here to turn your ideas into reality.

djangsters GmbH

Vogelsanger Straße 187
50825 Köln
